Filename Reshade_and_SweetFX_for_Fallout4.1.rar Category Effects GFX. Install over top of this mod in the game folder for it to update the required files Add addon Reshade and SweetFX for Fallout 4. DO Not use any newer version of reshade, other than the one specified or older as the newest reshades don't support the reshade with sweetfx setups. Download and install Reshade version 3.4.1. The goal of this preset was to create a more realistic/gritty feel to Fallout 4's graphics by using multiple color correction techniques as well as other subtle post-processing filters How to update the reshade and sweetfx.

Dramacydal Chris2012's Realistic SweetFX is a ReShade/SweetFX Preset. 11 Nov 22:19 CET Dramacydal meh must be a system thing then - OK thanks, I'll have to have a tinker. found some ini tweaks that fixed it :) killf4ce. SweetFX 2.0: Fallout 4 ☢ Ultra Sharp v1.0 ☢ Fallout 4 ReShade UPDATED. Home SweetFX Fallout 4 Fallout 4 - SweetFX Settings Databas