I have finally upgraded the files to have dowels continuously throughout the rifle. The magazine has a round protruding from the top with a matching recess in the bolt so you can look cool when you pull it out and show those petty raiders at your local convention what is about to make their head asplode. I then broke it down into bits that will fit on an 8”x10”x8” build area, I separated out the wooden pieces specifically so you can print them in a woodish color.

Since the in-game mesh is super low-polly, I made pieces higher poly cylinders/balls so they would be cleaner and more realistic. Therefore the file is accurate to the game in visual appearance (not as detailed as the real world Hecate), but scaled properly to the real world rifle. The model was pulled from the actual game files and scaled to the length of a PGM Hécate II, the real-world basis for the model. Here you have the Anti-Materiel Rifle from Fallout New Vegas.