Tweaked the PN sprint script slightly to prevent takedowns from working on actors that should be immune, which could otherwise cause their AI to break. Added most energy weapons to PN's digital scope zoom formlist as appropriate. Made a Cryo Mine icon from scratch based on TTW's Cryo Mine model (the Zeta Cryo Mine one uses this too despite using a different model as I didn't want to make a second icon for it). Applied PN's existing grenade icons to almost all TTW explosives for the grenade hotkey system. TTW explosives have been added to PN's formlists as appropriate (though this may not have been necessary since PN probably auto-detected everything properly anyway). TOX/H2O/CASE/PART tags have been added to TTW items as appropriate. All TTW headgear has been added to visual overlay/enhanced vision formlists as (I think is) appropriate. I made this for TTW 3.2 for personal use, though a few other users requested that I "properly" post it here: That said, I finished a ~330 hour TTW 3.2.2 playthrough using this patch without trouble, so if you still really need to use PN for some reason, the patch is still viable. Unfound Loot - Standalone version of the PN Extra Options feature for loot reductionĪlso see, which may be more thorough and/or up to date than my post. Project Nevada - Equipment Standalone - As above, but have not personally tried this one, and is currently lacking TTW integration
Project Nevada - Immersive Primary Needs - Readds hardcore-mode needs soundsĬyberware 2281 Modernized, standalone PN Cyberware module (with optional TTW integration) Helmet Overlay - Replacement for helmet overlays Project Nevada - Enhanced Vision - Standalone version of PN's helmet vision modes +
JAM - Just Assorted Mods - Replicates Most PN core functionalityī42 Quickthrow - an alternative grenade hotkey mod - self explanatory-I'd also recommend Retrievable Throwables Instead, I'd recommend having a look at these newer mods:
: I am no longer maintaining this patch, as Project Nevada is just too dated to recommend at this point.