Sonic suggested to get rid of Nicole, but Sally refused. Sonic shook the device, and received a shock in return. The other Freedom Fighters came after they heard Sally talking to Nicole. Nicole greeted Sally and offered her friendship. Sally went to investigate the sphere, and found Nicole. However, one time when Sally was asleep, the sphere started to grow, waking Sally up. They found the sphere where Nicole was, and Sally gave it to Rotor, who tried to open it, but was unsuccessful. Nicole's landing caught the attention of the Freedom Fighters, who went to investigate. In the past, Nicole arrived in a sphere not far away from where a teenage Sally was pondering over love and becoming a ruler. She was later sent back in time, protected with a firewall preventing the past versions from finding out about the future. Nicole was created in an alternate future by Rotor following the destruction of Queen Sally's own version of Nicole (originating from yet another alternate future) in a battle against Robotnik. Nicole is Sally's go-to device whenever the latter is on missions by herself or with other Freedom Fighters. Please help improve this article by editing it. This section is in need of major improvement.