
Crusader kings 2 nicknames
Crusader kings 2 nicknames

crusader kings 2 nicknames

Ragnarr af Munsö, son of Jarl Sigurdr Ring of Uppland (769 start). Target must not be another nomad, or of your religion. The cheat console is a transparent overlay above the character's tab. Below you will find a list of useful commands and events, including how to create bloodlines with traditional claims on duchy, or kingdom level titles and dragon hatching events. = How to use: To enable cheats in your game, right-click on your character portrait and click "enable cheats".

crusader kings 2 nicknames

Age at least 16, ruled at least 15 years. Check out the AGOT Provinces wiki page for a comprehensive list of provinceids and names. Nicknames are epithets given to characters when they fulfill certain criteria, or by random chance while meeting the requirements for a given nickname. Again just reference the cultureids in the text files to change a character's ethnicity to whatever you want. Keep in mind that the console is not accessible in Ironman!. To get a nickname the character must be a count or higher. Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs. If you don't use Ironman for your current game, you can open the console by typing any of the following: The following are a few examples of common cultureids. Ruled 10 years, 2000 Prestige, higher tier than count. Please keep all posts relevant to the mod. Win a war with the 'Tribal Invasion' as the defender. Any nickname may be assigned to a character with the nickname console command. You can find all the religionids listed in the text file "00_religions.txt" found in the file path "Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod/A Game of Thrones/common/religions". Check the AGOT Traits wiki and the text files in "Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod/A Game of Thrones/common/traits" for all traitids. Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics. The console is opened by pressing§ + Shift.

Crusader kings 2 nicknames